
Executive bodies of the Bulgarian national commission for UNESCO

The Bulgarian National Commission for UNESCO was founded in May 1956, the same year in which Bulgaria became a member of the Organization.

The Commission includes representatives of the main ministries, public institutions and institutes working on different UNESCO priorities and programs, as well as prominent scientists, experts in the field of culture and education. This is the main advisory body to the Council of Ministers on all issues concerning the UNESCO mission. It takes the decisions on the selection of Bulgarian projects applying for UNESCO programs.

The Commission’s structure comprises a Bureau and a Secretariat. The President of the Commission is a Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. He/She is appointed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The Bureau includes a chairman and members. It involves also representatives of state institutions, as well as scientific and educational organizations. The Bureau entrusts the Secretary General with programming and organizational issues.

The National Commission is assisted by a Secretariat which is currently part of the Human Rights Directorate in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria. This is the executive and coordinating body of the Commission. It is headed by a Secretary General working with a team of experts. The Secretariat is responsible for day-to-day tasks and for ensuring regular contacts with UNESCO. It maintains close contacts with different UNESCO clubs in Sofia as well as in the country.

The Commission cooperates also with representatives of the civil society, national and international NGOs.

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