
The International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements

The UN General Assembly and UNESCO proclaimed 2019 to be the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. On this occasion, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences marked this year as well as its 150th anniversary with an anniversary stamp called 2019 – International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. The stamp was validated by the President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – the academician Julian Revalsky, the Secretary General of the National commission for UNESCO at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hristo Georgiev and the Director of Communication directorate Mr. Dimitar Dimitrov.

Prof. Hristo Balarev carried out a lecture on The periodic table of chemical elements – history, essence, importance.

On the UNESCO website - https://www.iypt2019.org/, you can find detailed information about the International year of the periodic table of chemical elements and the events dedicated to this year.